


We’re excited that you’re exploring the next step in your college journey with us. 在新葡新京娱乐场app下载这里, 我们重视激情, 无情的决心, 并且有信心去别人没有去过的地方. Your application is a chance to show us the real you—and we can’t wait to see what personal and academic talents make you shine.

We consider you to be a first-year student if you are a current high school student, (regardless of total completed college credits while in high school) or if you have graduated from high school but have not enrolled at a college, university or other degree-granting institution after high school.

  • If you’ve already finished high school and have previously enrolled at a college or university, 请参阅 转学生申请页面.
  • 我们也有单独的应用说明 国际本科生
  • Applicants can transfer up to 64 credits of college-level coursework from high school, 包括20个AP或IB课程学分. 访问 转移学分 了解更多信息.


At 新葡新京app大学, we believe students should drive their own destinies. You'll find this starts from the moment you apply for admission. We'll evaluate your admission application holistically for undergraduate admission whether or not you choose to submit a test score from the SAT or ACT. 100%录取率, 无论测试提交情况如何, are eligible and considered for Hamline merit scholarships. 






提早行动 11月1日 12月20日左右
常规的决定 1月15日  -
滚动录取 不包括1月15日之后提交的申请 只要有空间 


第一年申请清单: It’s as easy as 1-2-3-4

应用ing to college takes time, so we’ve made it as easy as possible to get things done. 请参考下面的列表来完成您的申请, and you’ll be that much closer to celebrating your future acceptances.



At Hamline, we’re seeking bold, passionate, and purpose-driven students who want to make an impact. Our admission requirements ensure that applicants have developed the writing, 说话, 推理, 学习在大学取得成功的技巧. The two most important criteria we evaluate are high school course selection and performance in academic subjects. 我们也看班级排名, 考试成绩(如提交), 建议(如提交), and other indicators of academic achievement or leadership ability.

Some applicants will be invited to complete an admission interview. While not required, we strongly encour年龄 you to participate if you can. It’s an amazing opportunity for us to get to know you better—and for you to share your passions.

新葡新京娱乐场app下载没有种族歧视, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 性, 残疾, 宗教, 年龄, 性取向, 或者老兵身份. Diversity strengthens us, bringing new and unique perspectives to our community. 我们欢迎非传统背景的申请者, 第一代学生, 军事的学生, 和退伍军人.


  • Four years of English with one year of college prep writing
  • Three years of math (two years of algebra and one year of geometry)
  • 有三年的实验室经验
  • 三年的社会科学
  • 两年的外语学习


  • 高中选课
  • 各科成绩
  • 班级排名
  • 考试成绩(可选)
  • 建议(可选)
  • 领导能力与课外活动
  • 大学准备,动力和成熟度
  • 入学面试(如获录取,强烈建议)