免费的 webinars, on-demand trainings, and events

Key to the Violence Prevention Project 研究 Center's mission is not only the collection of data but the disbursement of the data and its key findings to the community so everyone can take action to prevent gun violence. 在这里, you'll find free monthly webinars to learn more about the center's latest research and findings, on-demand webinars and trainings on preventing workplace and school shootings, and ongoing events hosted by the Center.

Our work is more than a mere response to violence—it is a proactive and preventative mission that saves lives and fortifies communities. Join us to learn about our work and what you can do to prevent violence in your communities.

枪支暴力研究峰会, hosted by the Violence Prevention Project 研究 Center at Hamline University

Minnesota 枪支暴力研究峰会


8 a.m. 到下午3:30.m.



 Minnesota 枪支暴力研究峰会 will address issues related to gun violence prevention and provide a platform for discussions and presentations.

On-demand trainings with continuing education credit

Workplace Violence Prevention Training

Workplace Violence Prevention Training

This training in workplace violence prevention is designed for human resource professionals, 面向公众的员工, and anyone tasked with improving workplace climate, 安全, 和安全. This training presents the latest research on workplace shootings in the United States. It explores data-driven strategies to respond to them, including de-escalation and suicide prevention, 人力资源策略, 建立危机应对小组.

完成时间: 1.25小时

成本: $200

继续教育学分: 一个 



This 90-minute training is designed for professionals working in K-12 schools and college/university settings. 的se training videos present the latest research on school shootings in the United States and explore data-driven strategies to respond to them, including de-escalation and suicide prevention, 建立危机应对小组, 社交媒体安全. This training is useful for anyone in the education system, 包括教师, 教练, 校长, 父母, 负责人, 学校辅导员, 社会工作者, 或者学校董事会成员. 

完成时间: 1.5个小时

成本: $200

继续教育学分: 一个 



Twin Cities Homicides During Pandemic
大学/University Homicides Database
Mass Shooter Database and Findings Webinar
Responding to School Shooting Threats Webinar

Gun Violence Exposure Survey Findings

的 final webinar of Spring 2024 discusses a new study of gun violence exposure in the United States. 的 Violence Prevention Project, in partnership with YouGov and Dr. David Pyrooz at the University of Colorado, 博尔德, surveyed a nationally representative sample of 10,在美国各地有1000人. This data sheds new light on the extent of gun violence exposure in this country, including exposure to mass shootings, 社区枪支暴力, 家庭暴力.

完成时间: 一个小时

成本: 免费的


Rise in Twin Cities Homicides During the Pandemic

This webinar discusses new research on the dramatic rise in homicides in the Twin Cities during the years 2020 and 2021. Funded by the Joyce Foundation and in partnership with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, the Violence Prevention Project analyzed nearly 1,000 perpetrators of homicide from 2018-2023 to look for trends in the data. This webinar will discuss the perpetrators, 受害者, 位置, 武器, and motives of homicide during the pandemic and the implications of these findings for violence prevention efforts.

完成时间: 一个小时

成本: 免费的


大学 and University Homicides Database 研究 and Findings

This webinar focuses on a brand-new database exploring every homicide that occurred on a college or university campus since the year 2000. Jillian Peterson and James Densley discuss the findings and trends in this new data and their implications for campus security and public 安全. 

完成时间: 一个小时

成本: 免费的


Webinar: Mass Shooter Database 研究 and Findings

This webinar provides an overview of our new research projects and presents new findings on our latest Mass Shooter Database version (Version 8.0). This webinar series is aimed at policymakers and practitioners, 包括教师, 学校管理人员, 心理健康专业人员, 医学专家, 安全和警察, 父母, and anyone concerned about gun violence.

完成时间: 一个小时

成本: 免费的


Responding to School Shooting Threats Webinar

在这个自由的地方, 小时的研讨会, learn about the rise in threats of school shootings in K-12 schools across the United States and explore data-driven strategies to respond to them. 

完成时间: 一个小时

成本: 免费的

